Thursday, January 31, 2013

Training Results

(Click image to enlarge)

One objective of training is to impart the beginning of some skill.   When the training is successful, the person trained can build on that skill and add his own technique to it.

If Attention and Content are Lo, the trainer and the trainee are wasting their time.  If the Content is Hi but the attention of the trainee is Lo, the effort is wasted.

Training can be successful if either of the other two possibilities exist.  If content is Lo but Attention Hi, the training can be successful by virtue of the discipline that the trainee has exhibited during the episode.

If the Content of the training is Hi and the Attention of the trainee is likewise, then the stage is set for it to have been a growth experience and the basis of the future success of the trainee.

In many instances, training is the starting point for a progression from Skill, to Riches (Job), to Awards, Medals, and Stardom.

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