Wednesday, January 9, 2013


We do something and it produces a result somewhere between Pleasure and Pain. 

Upon objective evaluation, an act can be seen to have been Destructive or Constructive.  One may be oblivious to his/her real intention when the action is taken due to the degree of attention given to the act.

If the Result is Lo (Painful) and the Act is Lo (Destructive); the result is an accident.  One wasn’t paying attention.

If Result is Hi (Pleasurable) and the Act Lo (Destructive) : the result is an action taken out of spite.  Malicious compliance is a good example of this type of act.

If the Result is Lo (Painful) and Act is Hi (Constructive), the act can be seen as remedial.  Quitting smoking can be such an act.

If Result is Hi (Pleasurable) and the Act is  Hi (Constructive), good results can be expected.

The desired trend is to take actions that produce good results.

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