Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Time Required

(Click image to enlarge)

The Time Required to successfully pursue an Aim increases with the involvement of others.  Examine the quadrangle to see the various activities and relative involvement of Alone and With Others.

There are three lines of work as Aim is pursued; the first line is done more or less alone and it requires study and discipline to begin to understand Aim.  It also relates to doing tasks that increase one’s understanding of Aim.

The second line of work involves others who are of like mind in pursuing a common aim.  Through attentive work the understanding of aim and the progress towards achieving it are greatly increased.

As the involvement of self and others increases to the Hi-Hi level, work can progress on the 3rd line, which is work for the sake of Aim.  It occurs when work is done to further Aim and not for the sake of those pursuing it.

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