Wednesday, January 16, 2013


(Click on image for larger view)

The ingredients in the Basic Grid, Rocks, Gravel, Sand, and Water are borrowed from someone else but the construct holds true; examining the activities (Endeavors) in which you are involved and classifying them as one or another will lead you to more effectively spending your time.

The Rocks are Important and Urgent and a task takes priority over all others, even phone calls.  The rocks go into the mix first or you 'll  be able to get in little else but water.

The Gravel are often urgent but not as important, although the degree of importance varies towards high for some.  Gravel fits around rocks.

The Sand are often maintenance items that are important but not Urgent and, therefore, can be deferred for more important/urgent tasks.  The sand fills the interstices that remain.

The Water items are fun and deserve attention and add fluidity to the mix.

A proper mix of these ingredients plus the cement of your applied efforts will yield a strong and solid block.

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