Wednesday, January 23, 2013


(Click on picture to see larger image)

Surely one can relate to the progression made from watching an event to then getting involved.  This construct takes it to completion.

When Personal Input is Lo and Satisfaction is likewise, one is probably watching the action and thinking that he/she would like to also do it.

When Personal input is Hi and Satisfaction, although Lo, is growing; one is in the performing range.  This can last a lifetime for some endeavors such as golf.

Then when Personal Input and Satisfaction are both Hi; one finds him/herself leading others who are striving to master the activity.

Then when the urge to perform subsides and Personal Input wanes to Lo while still Highly satisfied; the participant has moved to Attending (being there) and enjoying vicariously the performance of those coming along.

Volition, or the act of making a choice, is an arbitrary line that one crosses, one way or the other, at various times in his/her progression through the various stages of Participation.

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