Tuesday, January 29, 2013

State of Mind (Mood)

(Click on the image to enlarge)

One’s state of mind, or mood, may change depending on how much effort one puts forth into a situation or project and the results one experiences.  It is important to note that mood may affect the picture OR the Effort and experienced Results may affect mood.

When both are low it can result in negative mood; but when Effort is Hi and Results are Lo, the mood may turn worse into miserable.

When the blind pig finds an acorn after putting forth little effort,  it remains blissfully ignorant of what it takes to accomplish.

When the Results are Hi and one has put forth great Effort the performer experiences a Positive mood.  At least for the moment, until the reality of another required performance is recalled.

The passing zone is ideally traversed when the performer realizes that he/she wants to make a change in mood from negative to a more positive condition.  It may also be traversed going in a more negative direction when the performer is not on his psychological guard.

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