Monday, January 21, 2013

Operating Tenses

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Much can be gleaned from the study of language(s).  They have evolved along with us to express thoughts, ideas or feelings, to be understood now and from in the future.

There are some basic tenses that we use to live our lives.  They reflect where we are at the moment and where we were. 

Lo-Lo; if we don’t recall our previous experiences and are not in the present we have an “I can’t” attitude and are passive; life goes on.

Lo-Hi; if we continue not recalling our experiences but are anxious to accomplish; we have an “I wish” attitude and are subjunctive.

Hi-Lo; if we recall experiences and learn from them but avoid the present,  we have an “I could” attitude and in the conditional.

Hi-Hi: recalling our experiences, learning from them,  and acting to get what we want, we are in the present and become what “I am.”

There is an optimal mix  that balances expectations with reality.

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