Thursday, January 10, 2013


(Click on the image to see a larger view)

When considering association with someone, it is important to asses the Ambitions of the other party.

If theirs is Lo for you and yours are Lo for them, then the association will be loose and expectation of results may also be low.  It could be that each will leave the other alone to pursue different desired paths.  Not much good can come of this in the long run; so it can be considered a Temp job.

If Their Ambitions for you are Hi but yours are Lo, you may not be qualified for the association.

If Your Ambitions are high and theirs Lo, you may be too big for the association.

If there is a match of Hi Ambition for both parties, there may be a good fit depending on other aspects of the association.

Interviewing skills are valuable in determining the fit that exists.

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