Monday, January 28, 2013

Progression to Fulfillment

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The first in a progression to achieve on a personal level.  Once one has made the decision to develop a skill, be it dexterous, mental , or performing , ability or skill at doing same will increase directly with the knowledge and the practice  of it.

As one progresses from Skill to Job; one can make the choice to derive Riches from his Endeavor.

Taking Involvement and Satisfaction to the Hi-Hi level using Creativity along the way to solve the myriad of problems that arise will lead to Riches.

One of the more serious problems one has to address is how to derive riches from his perfected Skill/Job.   It can take the form of gathering others of like mind who can provide him with shares of their Revenue using his/her skill set as trained.  

Skill and Riches have been described; Job is another level comprised of these in combination.

When the Skill level has been achieved and  the decision to attain Riches fulfilled, there is another level that may or may not be desired. 

When the artisan, artist, writer, musician, professional person finds satisfaction in doing whatever and he decides to make commitments to do it for the benefit of others, be they individual clients or as part of an organization, it has been taken to the Job level.

The commitment requires that it be completed to the professional standard expected by others, come hell or high water.

Medals are given to those who demonstrate a skill level above and beyond the Job level.  The competitor is faced with participating and demonstrating that his level of accomplishment is worthy of placement; the more creative one is in meeting and besting competitors, the higher his placement until; as in the Olympics, the gold is won.

As the progression continues, a time will come when the activity in which one is engaged is so well rehearsed that the performer desires formal recognition for his efforts.

As Accomplishment increases the level of Performance and it moves from Lo to Hi, the Recognition of established experts is earned and the performer receives Awards.

Awards are earned through excellence demonstrated to reviewers and attempts are made to reward the excellent performance of an individual.

Awards are often given to groups and where an organization performs collectively as would an individual, the construct works the same.

Awards occur based on the judgment of established experts in the field.  The Doctor of Philosophy degree is such an award as are the awards made by the entertainment industry.

Stardom can be the ultimate goal of someone who embarks on obtaining a skill.  It is optional in that not everyone who sets about to become good at s.t. this as an ultimate goal.

It requires one to recognize that one’s Ego increases in importance as Pride and Vanity increase.  Recognizing this allows one to cope with the changes in behavior that occur as well as changes in the way his/her friends react.

Some others enjoy being around one who has, or is in the process of, attaining Stardom.  There are those who allow envy and jealousy to color the relationship they once may have had.

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