Thursday, January 31, 2013

Training Results

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One objective of training is to impart the beginning of some skill.   When the training is successful, the person trained can build on that skill and add his own technique to it.

If Attention and Content are Lo, the trainer and the trainee are wasting their time.  If the Content is Hi but the attention of the trainee is Lo, the effort is wasted.

Training can be successful if either of the other two possibilities exist.  If content is Lo but Attention Hi, the training can be successful by virtue of the discipline that the trainee has exhibited during the episode.

If the Content of the training is Hi and the Attention of the trainee is likewise, then the stage is set for it to have been a growth experience and the basis of the future success of the trainee.

In many instances, training is the starting point for a progression from Skill, to Riches (Job), to Awards, Medals, and Stardom.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Time Required

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The Time Required to successfully pursue an Aim increases with the involvement of others.  Examine the quadrangle to see the various activities and relative involvement of Alone and With Others.

There are three lines of work as Aim is pursued; the first line is done more or less alone and it requires study and discipline to begin to understand Aim.  It also relates to doing tasks that increase one’s understanding of Aim.

The second line of work involves others who are of like mind in pursuing a common aim.  Through attentive work the understanding of aim and the progress towards achieving it are greatly increased.

As the involvement of self and others increases to the Hi-Hi level, work can progress on the 3rd line, which is work for the sake of Aim.  It occurs when work is done to further Aim and not for the sake of those pursuing it.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

State of Mind (Mood)

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One’s state of mind, or mood, may change depending on how much effort one puts forth into a situation or project and the results one experiences.  It is important to note that mood may affect the picture OR the Effort and experienced Results may affect mood.

When both are low it can result in negative mood; but when Effort is Hi and Results are Lo, the mood may turn worse into miserable.

When the blind pig finds an acorn after putting forth little effort,  it remains blissfully ignorant of what it takes to accomplish.

When the Results are Hi and one has put forth great Effort the performer experiences a Positive mood.  At least for the moment, until the reality of another required performance is recalled.

The passing zone is ideally traversed when the performer realizes that he/she wants to make a change in mood from negative to a more positive condition.  It may also be traversed going in a more negative direction when the performer is not on his psychological guard.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Progression to Fulfillment

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The first in a progression to achieve on a personal level.  Once one has made the decision to develop a skill, be it dexterous, mental , or performing , ability or skill at doing same will increase directly with the knowledge and the practice  of it.

As one progresses from Skill to Job; one can make the choice to derive Riches from his Endeavor.

Taking Involvement and Satisfaction to the Hi-Hi level using Creativity along the way to solve the myriad of problems that arise will lead to Riches.

One of the more serious problems one has to address is how to derive riches from his perfected Skill/Job.   It can take the form of gathering others of like mind who can provide him with shares of their Revenue using his/her skill set as trained.  

Skill and Riches have been described; Job is another level comprised of these in combination.

When the Skill level has been achieved and  the decision to attain Riches fulfilled, there is another level that may or may not be desired. 

When the artisan, artist, writer, musician, professional person finds satisfaction in doing whatever and he decides to make commitments to do it for the benefit of others, be they individual clients or as part of an organization, it has been taken to the Job level.

The commitment requires that it be completed to the professional standard expected by others, come hell or high water.

Medals are given to those who demonstrate a skill level above and beyond the Job level.  The competitor is faced with participating and demonstrating that his level of accomplishment is worthy of placement; the more creative one is in meeting and besting competitors, the higher his placement until; as in the Olympics, the gold is won.

As the progression continues, a time will come when the activity in which one is engaged is so well rehearsed that the performer desires formal recognition for his efforts.

As Accomplishment increases the level of Performance and it moves from Lo to Hi, the Recognition of established experts is earned and the performer receives Awards.

Awards are earned through excellence demonstrated to reviewers and attempts are made to reward the excellent performance of an individual.

Awards are often given to groups and where an organization performs collectively as would an individual, the construct works the same.

Awards occur based on the judgment of established experts in the field.  The Doctor of Philosophy degree is such an award as are the awards made by the entertainment industry.

Stardom can be the ultimate goal of someone who embarks on obtaining a skill.  It is optional in that not everyone who sets about to become good at s.t. this as an ultimate goal.

It requires one to recognize that one’s Ego increases in importance as Pride and Vanity increase.  Recognizing this allows one to cope with the changes in behavior that occur as well as changes in the way his/her friends react.

Some others enjoy being around one who has, or is in the process of, attaining Stardom.  There are those who allow envy and jealousy to color the relationship they once may have had.

Friday, January 25, 2013


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In setting out to achieve results, one has to reflect on relevant past actions and project, or plan, for the future.  The relative amount of effort spent on each will bring about results, or not.

If the efforts on Reflection and Projection are Lo, there will be desultory results.

If Projection takes precedence at the expense of Reflection; the unrealistic or impractical results may occur.

When Reflection takes precedence, more of the same results.

When the balance is optimal, progress is made towards achieving Aim.

The achievement of Aim is the ideal goal of Activity.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


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The Proficiency one has in his/her endeavors can be linked to Preparation and Achievement.

When Preparation is Lo and Achievement likewise, then it is possible that although the opportunity was there, one didn’t see it.

When Preparation is Hi and Achievement Lo, one can be said to be Inexperienced and working to get better.

When Preparation is Hi and Achievement likewise, one can Expect Success.

And then when proficiency is reached, Preparation is no longer necessarily Hi but Achievement remains Hi; as in a play after rehearsals are complete but performances continue.

The path to proficiency is through Preparation but one must reach and maintain proficiency before slacking off.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


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Surely one can relate to the progression made from watching an event to then getting involved.  This construct takes it to completion.

When Personal Input is Lo and Satisfaction is likewise, one is probably watching the action and thinking that he/she would like to also do it.

When Personal input is Hi and Satisfaction, although Lo, is growing; one is in the performing range.  This can last a lifetime for some endeavors such as golf.

Then when Personal Input and Satisfaction are both Hi; one finds him/herself leading others who are striving to master the activity.

Then when the urge to perform subsides and Personal Input wanes to Lo while still Highly satisfied; the participant has moved to Attending (being there) and enjoying vicariously the performance of those coming along.

Volition, or the act of making a choice, is an arbitrary line that one crosses, one way or the other, at various times in his/her progression through the various stages of Participation.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


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Opinions that we harbor affect almost every aspect of our behavior; this chart plots how opinions effect our contact with others.

When we have a Lo opinion of self, and others likewise share that Lo, we may as well be At Home Alone

When we have a Lo opinion of self but others have a Hi opinion, we tend to be Reluctant to make contact due to lack of confidence

When we have a Hi opinion of self but others have a Lo opinion, we may have gotten something others don’t feel is deserved

When we share a Hi opinion of self with what others have of us, we willingly Have Fun in Contact With Others

There is a line of arbitrary position that indicates our propensity to make contact with others; it behooves us to move that  down and to the left.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Operating Tenses

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Much can be gleaned from the study of language(s).  They have evolved along with us to express thoughts, ideas or feelings, to be understood now and from in the future.

There are some basic tenses that we use to live our lives.  They reflect where we are at the moment and where we were. 

Lo-Lo; if we don’t recall our previous experiences and are not in the present we have an “I can’t” attitude and are passive; life goes on.

Lo-Hi; if we continue not recalling our experiences but are anxious to accomplish; we have an “I wish” attitude and are subjunctive.

Hi-Lo; if we recall experiences and learn from them but avoid the present,  we have an “I could” attitude and in the conditional.

Hi-Hi: recalling our experiences, learning from them,  and acting to get what we want, we are in the present and become what “I am.”

There is an optimal mix  that balances expectations with reality.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


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An Action/ Inaction can be judged on a continuum between Harmful and Beneficial. 

If the Level of benefit is Lo for Self and Others; the action is Irresponsible unless luck prevails.

If the Level of benefit is Lo for Self and Hi for Others; the action is Altruistic; self interest sacrificed for the greater good.

If the Level is Lo for Others and Hi for Self; the action is Selfish.

If Hi for both Self and Others; the action is constructive for all.

Conscience is an arbitrary line above which no guilt is evident for self or others.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


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The ingredients in the Basic Grid, Rocks, Gravel, Sand, and Water are borrowed from someone else but the construct holds true; examining the activities (Endeavors) in which you are involved and classifying them as one or another will lead you to more effectively spending your time.

The Rocks are Important and Urgent and a task takes priority over all others, even phone calls.  The rocks go into the mix first or you 'll  be able to get in little else but water.

The Gravel are often urgent but not as important, although the degree of importance varies towards high for some.  Gravel fits around rocks.

The Sand are often maintenance items that are important but not Urgent and, therefore, can be deferred for more important/urgent tasks.  The sand fills the interstices that remain.

The Water items are fun and deserve attention and add fluidity to the mix.

A proper mix of these ingredients plus the cement of your applied efforts will yield a strong and solid block.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


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The Win-Lose of a Competition (not a game) can be seen as who wins and who loses; Me v. Other.

When both sides lose, it is a fight.  No one comes out ahead in a fight; an aggressive action of one against another.

When the Other sets the price, the probability is that Me will be in the Lose zone and Other will be in the Win zone.

When Other is not involved to any great extent; Me will be in the winning zone. 

When the prize is negotiated, as in an auction, or at the table reasoning, and all parties are able to achieve their aim; both sides Win.

The purpose of sports and games is to demonstrate that winning or losing can take place without killing the opponent.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


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Individual behavior can be judged based how aware one is of the relative Constructive  or Destructive effect of his act and to the extent that his Ideals are Adopted as his own or Impressed upon him externally.

If Ideals are Impressed and the person acts Destructively, he is no more than a Robot carrying out instructions.

If Ideals are Adopted but the person acts Destructively, he would be considered a Fool.

If Ideals are Impressed and the person acts Constructively he can be considered a Soldier

If  Ideals are Adopted and the person acts Constructively accordingly, he is considered a Hero.

In different situations the same person can exhibit these traits but an aware person would act through Robot to Soldier to Hero as he encounters similar situations and as his ideals progress to Adopted.

Saturday, January 12, 2013


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As one progresses from Skill to Job; one can make the choice to derive Riches from his Endeavor.

Taking Involvement and Satisfaction to the Hi-Hi level using Creativity along the way to solve the myriad of problems that arise will lead to Riches.  One of the more serious problems one has to address is how to derive riches from his perfected Skill/Job.   It can take the form of gathering others of like mind who can provide him with shares of their Revenue using his/her skill set as trained.


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There seem to be two types of attraction, Physical and Emotional.  The physical ripens into emotional involvement with time and continued satisfaction. 

The line on the chart is an arbitrary representation of Time Together and it moves more or less upward and to the right as attraction deepens.

When Physical attraction is Lo and Emotional likewise; the situation is new,.  In terms of people one could say they just met.

When Physical attraction is Hi and Emotional is Lo, the result could be erotic love; the classic “one night stand.”

When Physical is Lo and Emotional Hi; we have the idealized love from afar, similar to the pining suitor whose never met his intended face to face.

When Physical and Emotional are both Hi; the result is Romantic Love that is more or less permanent.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Attitude now Reaction

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What would look like a complicated diagram resolves down to a depiction of what happens internally when Expectation is Compared to Response.

Expectation Lo – Response Lo, there isn’t much of a Reaction, it can be summed up by, “Whatever.”

Expectation HI – Response Lo; there is a certain Frustration that is evident.

Expectation Lo – Response Hi; the reaction is one of Surprise because little or nothing was expected.

Expectation Hi – Response Hi; the reaction is Enthusiastic; one is getting the expected result.

There are two paths to Enthusiastic; one of the “natural” through Surprise, and the other, through the Work Zone, for the rest of us.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


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When considering association with someone, it is important to asses the Ambitions of the other party.

If theirs is Lo for you and yours are Lo for them, then the association will be loose and expectation of results may also be low.  It could be that each will leave the other alone to pursue different desired paths.  Not much good can come of this in the long run; so it can be considered a Temp job.

If Their Ambitions for you are Hi but yours are Lo, you may not be qualified for the association.

If Your Ambitions are high and theirs Lo, you may be too big for the association.

If there is a match of Hi Ambition for both parties, there may be a good fit depending on other aspects of the association.

Interviewing skills are valuable in determining the fit that exists.


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Activity also produces results and the emotional impact of taking an action depends primarily on the expectation one has going in.

When Expectation is Lo and the Results are likewise not very good; one can be said to be oblivious to what just happened.

When Expectation is Hi and Results are not very good; frustration becomes an emotion with which one has to deal.  A good example of this is the game of golf.
When Expectation is Lo and Results are very good; one can feel lucky; sometimes this is called beginner’s look.

When it all comes together with Hi Expectations and equally very good Results the emotional results approach Joy.

The desired trend in all endeavors is to get to where Expectations are Hi and the Results are too.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


We do something and it produces a result somewhere between Pleasure and Pain. 

Upon objective evaluation, an act can be seen to have been Destructive or Constructive.  One may be oblivious to his/her real intention when the action is taken due to the degree of attention given to the act.

If the Result is Lo (Painful) and the Act is Lo (Destructive); the result is an accident.  One wasn’t paying attention.

If Result is Hi (Pleasurable) and the Act Lo (Destructive) : the result is an action taken out of spite.  Malicious compliance is a good example of this type of act.

If the Result is Lo (Painful) and Act is Hi (Constructive), the act can be seen as remedial.  Quitting smoking can be such an act.

If Result is Hi (Pleasurable) and the Act is  Hi (Constructive), good results can be expected.

The desired trend is to take actions that produce good results.