Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Life Choices


                   When making decisions in life, one often thinks about what he should be doing and what he wants to do.  There is often conflict between the two.  Making a choice can be measured on a relative scale from Lo to Hi for what is desired and what is required.

                   If an activity or action is neither desired or required, we are in an area that approaches boredom, i.e. with no excitement.  If it is highly required but not desired at all, we are in an area that makes one uncomfortable and to an extreme, causes one to feel angst.  If it is highly desired but should not be done, one’s feelings approach guilt.  And if it is not only required but desired, one’s feelings approach bliss, peace of mind.

                     Practically speaking, one’s choices are a blend of the two and whenever extremes are avoided, one experiences a relatively balanced life.  Yet, beings that we are, we often choose an extreme for the fun of it.